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Take an Integrative Approach with your child's ADHD

Updated: Jun 10, 2024

The most common nutritional deficiencies to check for in children with ADHD

Energetic children running outside

The day you find out you are raising a neurodivergent child in a world that is not set up for them can bring overwhelming disappointment and relief. Relief comes in waves with a greater understanding of how your child's brain works and the opportunity to teach your child how to advocate for the way they think and learn. Relief can also come as you uncover root cause imbalances that may be impacting your child's daily struggles.

As a mom who has been through this, I remember the period of grief, overwhelm, and frustration, unsure what this meant for the quality of life for my son. No amount of understanding takes away the pain of watching your child struggle in their daily life. I was determined to find the right mix of support that would make his daily life, and ultimately our family life better. This is where my research and work began. What I learned about taking an integrative approach has resulted in life-changing progress for my son and the entire family.

My Root Cause Energetics Package pinpoints the underlying biochemical and nutritional imbalances that are common in children with ADHD which can be supported through lifestyle changes and natural-based supplementation. The goal of these programs is to:

  • Find the deficiencies of the child

  • Understand how those deficiencies occurred (there may be other root cause factors such as gut health, food intolerances, parasites, mycotoxins, heavy metals, low mineral levels, etc).

  • Support the deficiencies through food and safe supplementation

The results you may see in your child from this program:

  • Decreased undesired behaviors including hyperactivity, aggression, emotional dysregulation, and lack of focus

  • Elimination of extreme behaviors

  • Improvement in academic performance

  • Improvement in classroom behavior

Children looking outside the window

The most common underlying biochemical and nutritional imbalances that are common in children with ADHD that can be identified in this package include:

  • Magnesium: Studies have found that 72-96% of children with ADHD are deficient in magnesium. This mineral is needed for over 300 chemical reactions in the body including buffering and blocking the sympathetic nervous system (think: fight or fight). Stimulate medication drains magnesium levels. Best tested through hair sample analysis.

  • Ferritin: Studies have found that 84-92% of children with ADHD had low ferritin. Stored iron (ferritin) plays a key role in the metabolism of the neurotransmitter dopamine and a deficiency of dopamine is linked to many symptoms of ADHD. Gut imbalance or parasites can be root causes when ferritin levels are low. Best tested through a blood draw, this is a commonly run panel however iron levels can be in the normal range, and ferritin levels are low which is something we need to look into further.

  • Zinc and copper: Studies have found a significant correlation between low levels of zinc and high levels of copper among kids with ADHD. These two minerals have a negative inverse relationship to one another. Zinc is required to think! Zinc impacts the hippocampus (responsible for memory and movement), the production of melatonin for restful sleep, creation of neurotransmitters, proteins, and enzymes. Low zinc interferes with ADHD medication. Hyperactive children with low zinc were 60% less likely to respond to Ritalin. Once zinc levels were balanced, Ritalin's effectiveness improved. Source: Arnold LE, et al. International Journal of Neuroscience January 1990. Excess copper can come from drinking water so a simple fix may be investing in an affordable home water filter.

  • Gut Microbiome: Researchers have found there is 2-way communication between the gut and the brain known as the microbiome-gut-brain axis (MGBA). Intestinal imbalances are too much of an unwanted thing in the gut which interferes with the MGBA and has been associated with changes in mood and behaviors. It’s estimated to be impacting 10-20% of children with ADHD.

These imbalances can be uncovered in my Root Cause Energetics Package, revealing a new baseline for developing a plan of action to support your child with ADHD at home and in school. And the difference can be life-changing!

This package is especially for you if you have a child who is dealing with any of the following symptoms:

  • hyperactivity

  • emotional dysregulation (melting down and/or big emotional outbursts)

  • impulse control

  • inattention/focus

  • executive functional challenges

  • irritability

  • aggression

  • anxiety

  • low scoring at school and/or trouble sleeping

This is the ideal first step before starting medication. It can also be done alongside medicine when struggling with side effects or finding the right medication for your child.

Written by Sally K. Sauvignon, IHP

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